Pastoral & Community Lifeare dedicated to providing opportunities for all parishioners to come together in our diversity, to offer their time and talent to address needs and to encourage community building based on trust. The Pastoral Life Ministry works to identify community needs and to develop and implement community-wide programs. The Pastoral Life Ministry embraces stewardship and encourages parishioners to actively participate in the life of the parish.
Coffee KlatchThe parish Coffee Klatch meets every week following the 9:30am daily Mass in St. Patrick's Lower Church. This is a gathering of men and women for lady & fellow-ship.
For more information contact the Parish Office at 856-845-0123. Coordinators: Ann Hink and Mary Tracy |
Gathering of Women's GroupMeets every other Wednesday at 12:30pm in the lower-level Worship Center.
Summer months the group will meet outdoors at Red Bank Battlefield Pavilion. If interested or for more information, contact Barbara Giordano at 609-706-5696. |
Art ClubThe Art Club meets every Monday at 10AM in the Ministry Center from September to May.
For more information contact, Gerry O'Donnell at 856-534-0063. |
Prayer GroupThe Parish Prayer Group meets each Monday at 1:30pm in the Parish Faith Formation Center, from September to June. They follow the school calendar and do not meet on Civic Holidays or Holy Days. They gather to discuss and reflect on a variety of topics.
If interested and for more information, contact Ann Connor at 856-845-4182 or [email protected] |
Ecumenical Ministry |
Grief Support |
The Ecumenical Ministry of Holy Angels Parish Community Outreach is currently served by Jerry and Jean Washko. They participate in the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries (GWCM), representing Holy Angels Parish in this local ministerium. There are nine local Churches that participate.
If you would like to look further into this ministry and share in this Ecumenical venture, call Jerry or Jean at 845-6944. |
The Grief Support Ministry is designed to assist people in their time of need following the loss of a loved one. It is a very personalized ministry to help people transition to life without their loved one.
If interested, contact Judi Humphries at 856-889-5730 or [email protected] |
Evangelization |
Health & Wellness |
Mission:Primarily, the committee will implement plans to attract Catholics who are not participating or are marginally participating in the sacramental life of the Church. The plans will involve compassionate reaching out to the Catholics identified through personal contact.
Secondly, the committee will provide programs that will stimulate the spirituality of those Catholics participating in the sacramental life of the Church for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ. If interested, contact Deacon Phil Giordano at 856-945-5404 or [email protected] |
The Health and Wellness Ministry, formed in the spirit and mission of Jesus Christ, is dedicated to caring for the greatest gift from the Father, Life and Health.
The group brings its faith in God’s love, comfort, and healing to serve the community by promoting wholeness and physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The ministry does this by serving the role of health educator, health counselor, health facilitator, coordinator and trainer of volunteers as well as a referral source. Events include: monthly blood pressure screenings with awareness themes and educational literature, Blood Drive, Grief Support Group and Flu Clinic. If interested, contact Parish Nurse, Susan Scully at 856-848-0274 or [email protected] |
Life & Social Justice |
Parish Pastoral Council |
The Social Justice Committee is called to serve as a resource and catalyst to empower our parish community to work for peace and justice. Our activities are based on the biblical and theological foundations of Catholic social teaching. They stimulate parish awareness of Catholic Social Teaching and promotes action in defense of human life and dignity. If interested contact, Jerry Washko at 856-845-6944 or Anne Connor at 856-845-4182 or [email protected]
Parish Finance CouncilThis appointment is for a term of three years and is reckoned from [Date]. Msgr. DiMauro is grateful for their willingness to serve in this capacity. and to assist and advise the pastor in financial matters relating to the parish.
Visit Parish Finance Council St. Vincent de PaulInspired by the Gospel Values, the Society of St. Vincent dePaul leads women and men to work together and grow spiritually by offering tangible and Spiritual support through prayer and person-to-person contacts to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron St. Vincent dePaul.
Visit St. Vincent de Paul Vocations MinistryHoly Angels Parish Vocations Ministry is to continuously bring to the attention of the parish community the necessity of praying for vocations. They also stress the need to encourage vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
If interested, contact Deacon Vince Latini at 856-845-0123 or [email protected] or call the Parish Office 856-845-0123 to speak with one of the priests. |
The Parish Pastoral Council of Holy Angels Parish is an elective body of parishioners that assist the Pastor in identifying the needs of the parish community, setting goals and planning, implementing and evaluating procedures and programs that address those needs, and so fulfilling the mission statement of our parish community.
Visit Parish Pastoral Council Vacation Bible School(VBS)Vacation Bible School is held every summer for one week. The location of VBS rotates yearly with our brothers and sisters of other denominations in Woodbury. Children 4 years and up are invited to join in the fun of learning “God's Word”.
We explore the Bible through experiences such as crafts, videos, singing, dancing, listening to stories, and interactive experiences. Teen and parent volunteers enjoy this adventure as much as the children. Visit Vacation Bible School(VBS) Welcome CommitteeThe Welcome Committee works toward instilling a feeling of belonging, ownership, and community among new and existing parishioners.
A committee member personally welcomes new parishioners upon registration, and ensures they are provided with a Welcome Packet containing a church directory, a house blessing card (blessed by Father), and a small bottle of holy water with which to bless their home. The Hospitality Committee meets as needed at the discretion of its members. If interested, contact Margaret Curran at 856-384-1090 or Rita Deluzio at 856-848-4212. |
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |