Our History-Holy AngelsBishop Joseph Galante formally announced that the parishes of St. Patrick, Woodbury, Most Holy Redeemer, Westville Grove and St. Matthew, National Park will unite and the new parish resulting from the consolidation, Holy Angels Parish, will be established April 21, 2010.
The announcement establishing the new parish was made in a formal decree, which is published in the March 19 2010 edition of the Catholic Star Herald. The decree states that consolidating the individual communities and uniting them as one new parish is necessary to provide more effectively for the pastoral needs of the faithful, to assure the vitality of parish life, to provide for a better stewardship of resources, and to provide for the optimum use of clergy, religious and lay personnel. read more |
St. Patrick'sIt began in 1877...
St. Patrick's, a mission of St. Mary's, Gloucester, from 1859, became a parish in 1877 with Father M.A. McManus as first pastor. The first record of services in Woodbury is of a baptism administered in 1793. The first church was built on Salem Avenue in 1865 and enlarged in 1877. |
St. Matthew'sIt began in 1915….
St. Matthew's parish, originally a mission of St. Patrick's in Woodbury, was incorporated September 18, 1915. Father Mathew Lavey of St. Lawrence, Laurel Springs, offered the first Mass in the Kelly home on Wesley Avenue. Father Michael Dolan of Woodbury was rector. |
Most Holy RedeemerIt began in 1958 ….
St. Anne's, Westville, initially served the present Most Holy Redeemer parish as a mission. Mass was celebrated first in a small stocking mill behind the Steinberger home in Westville Grove in 1932 by Father James Ryan, pastor of St. Anne's. |
Holy Angels ParishBishop Joseph Galante formally announced that the parishes of St. Patrick, Woodbury, Most Holy Redeemer, Westville Grove and St. Matthew, National Park united and the new parish resulting from the consolidation, Holy Angels Parish, was established April 21, 2010.
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |