Baptism incorporates us into Christ and forms us into God’s people. This first Sacrament pardons all our sins, rescues us from the power of darkness, and brings us to the dignity of adopted children…” (Rite of Christian Initiation, General Introduction, 2).
If you would like to have your child Baptized, please call the
Parish Office at: (856) 845-0123
Parish Office at: (856) 845-0123
Parish CelebrationBaptism of infants is normally celebrated following the 11:30 AM Mass on most Sunday's at Saint Patrick's Church. For a child to be baptized at Holy Angels Parish his/her parents must be registered and practicing Catholics.
Parents requesting Baptism of their children should ordinarily be registered members of the parish. With special permission of the pastor, they may request Baptism in another parish. Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Class. These classes are held on the first Sunday of every month at 11:30AM in the Parish Center. Before you ask someone to be a Godparent(Baptism) or sponsor(Confirmation), or before accepting this honor, please consider reading the following Godparents and Sponsors. |
Infant Baptism requires that parents... Make a solemn commitment that they will raise the child in the Catholic faith. In practical terms this means that the parents promise to:
Youth BaptismThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults Adapted for Children/Youth
Children who have reached the age of 7 and have not been baptized are invited into the process of Christian initiation based on the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA.) This process will prepare young people and their families for the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Children should be enrolled in the parish Family Faith Formation, or a Catholic school (parish or private) prior to beginning this preparation. For more information, please contact Karen Caso, Director of Religious Education at 856-845-1660 or [email protected] |
Adult BaptismThe Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process in which a person who is not baptized or baptized in another faith denomination, has not received instruction, first communion, or confirmation, journeys with others like them and other Catholics to be fully initiated in the Catholic faith. It is a time of prayer, study, reflection, faith sharing, ongoing discernment and participation in the life of the parish.
To learn more about the OCIA process, please contact Deacon Vince Latini at: [email protected] |
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |