Holy Angels Parishis excited to announce the release of a new Mobile App for our parish. This app is available for download in the Android and Apple Stores.
The App is a new and effective way for the parish to communicate with you and for you to stay connected with the parish. The App is PACKED with prayer resources including: Liturgy of the Hours, Daily Mass Readings, Order of the Mass, the Catechism, Sunday Reading Reflections, the Bible .... and on and on. It is also packed with: educational resources, parish events, mass schedules and locations, photo capture tools, and more. Best of all, we can alert you of extra special happenings and cancellations via the app’s push notifications system. If you are EXCITED as we are, check out “How to download the app" to your Apple or Android device ---on the right. |
How to download the app:You can download the app in the following ways:
Still need help downloading the app? Contact the Parish Office 856-845-0123. Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/holy-angels-woodbury/id1091397696?ls=1&mt=8 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app_holyangelsny.layout What are you waiting for? Check it out! |
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |