Liturgical MinistriesLiturgy and Worship is the "source and summit of the Christian life." When a parish family gathers around the Lord's Table, it reflects on its past experiences and finds nourishment for all that lies ahead. Well prepared and prayerful liturgies are the basis on which the Holy Angels Parish entire being will be built.
"As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace." I Peter 4:10 |
Altar Linen Care |
This ministry involves caring and maintaining the church's environment. This includes making sure the sanctuary and altars are clean and maintained; the care for the altar cloths and small linens used by the priest and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion(known as EM's) during Mass. The laundering and ironing of the linens is done at the homes of the volunteers on a rotating weekly basis.
If interested, contact Parish Office 856-845-0123 |
Altar Servers |
This Ministry is a most appropriate way for young people to serve their parish community and strengthen their commitment to their faith. Altar Servers assist the clergy in their role of leading liturgical gatherings. Boys and girls may participate as altar servers if they are: • Parishioners of Holy Angels Parish • 5th Grade & up • Attend one of the local Catholic Schools or the parish Religious Education Program • Able to complete the required training as scheduled • Able to participate in Mass and other liturgies as scheduled, including Sundays, Holy Days of Obligation, Weddings and Funerals.
If interested, contact Father Gallagher: [email protected] or Call the office: (856) 845-0123 |
Arts & Environment |
The Arts and Environment Committee creates an atmosphere that enhances the worshipping assembly’s celebration of their faith through the visual beauty of the Church environment. This environment also heightens an awareness of the festive, solemn, or penitential nature of the various liturgical seasons. The Committee members meet seasonally to plan the environment, set decorating times, and gather resources. Maintenance is also an important part of this committee’s work. Flowers and plants need to be watered, rearranged, or replaced frequently. The Arts and Environment Committee is always looking for new members to share their ideas, talents and time in making “something beautiful for God.”
If interested, contact Rich Iannitti: (609) 221-0448 OR Barbara Worrell: (856) 848-7205 |
Extraordinary Ministers |
In the Body of Christ, there are a wonderful variety of ministries, which are especially evident when we gather as a community to worship God. Among these ministries is the Eucharistic Minister, who brings the Body of Christ to the faithful. By virtue of our Baptism in Christ, some are called to serve as ministers of the liturgical assembly.
The Holy Angels Community has been blessed with many members who have answered this call, people who are dedicated to the Church’s mission of service. These dedicated members of our Church bring the Body of Christ to God’s people who are homebound, hospitalized or in nursing homes. Ministers need to participate in a Diocesan preparatory class. If Interested, contact Colleen Parcells at the Parish Office 856-845-0123 |
Lectors/Readers |
In the Body of Christ, there are a wonderful variety of ministries, which are especially evident when we gather as a community to worship God. Among these ministries is the Lector, who proclaims the Word of God to the church assembly. By virtue of our Baptism in Christ, some are called to serve as ministers of the liturgical assembly.
We are blessed with many members who have answered this call, people who are dedicated to the Church’s mission of service. These dedicated members of our Church proclaim the Word of God at the Sunday Celebrations, Para liturgies, and of Special occasions.
If interested contact Angelo Minutillo at 609-471-1587 [email protected] |
Music Ministry |
In addition to the choir, there are cantors and musicians who serve the parish and add to the beauty of the liturgy.
· Choir: A love for singing, willingness to give of your time faithfully at rehearsals, learning music, and singing at specified liturgies throughout the year are desired qualities for people in this ministry. Experience not required! · Cantors: For anyone with the special gifts of a strong voice and a sure presence, we are always looking for talented leaders of song to assist the assembly in worship. · Organists/Pianists: We are always looking for people to accompany for Mass as well. Please see Beth Pirolli if you play a keyboard instrument. Instrumentalists: Additional instrumentation adds to the beauty of our If interested, contact Beth Pirolli, Director of Music Ministry (856)-470-7794 or [email protected] |
Sacristans |
The sacristan thus arranges the books needed for the celebration, marking all of the divisions. He or she lays out the vestments and anything else needed for the celebration, such as cruets, chalices, ciboria, linens, oils, processional crosses, candles and torches.
If interested, contact Mark Chapman (856) 845-0123 [email protected] |
Ushers |
Members of this ministry help provide a warm, welcoming atmosphere at parish liturgies and functions, particularly weekend Masses and assistance to those in attendance.
The Ushers greet people as they enter the building, assist them in finding a seat (if necessary) and direct them to needed facilities (sacristy, restroom, etc.)
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |