Compassionate OutreachHoly Angels Parish has a number of outreach ministries, and more information can be provided by calling the Parish Office at (856) 845-0123. You can explore some of Holy Angels’ outreach ministries from the list below.
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.' |
Evangelization Committee |
The mission of the Evangelization Committee is twofold:
Gift Tag Ministry |
The Giving Tree Ministry is coordinated by St. Vincent de Paul volunteers each year at Christmas time. Because of the generosity of our parishioners, hundreds of gifts are delivered to Nursing Homes, shelters, homebound persons, and other families who are struggling. For questions or more information contact, John McIntyre at 856-848-7744.
Grief Support Ministry |
The Grief Support Ministry is designed to assist people in their time of need following the loss of a loved one. It is a very personalized ministry to help people transition to life without their loved one.
If interested, contact Judi Humphries at 856-889-5730 or [email protected] |
Health & Wellness |
The Health and Wellness Ministry, formed in the spirit and mission of Jesus Christ, is dedicated to caring for the greatest gift from the Father, Life and Health. The group brings its faith in God’s love, comfort, and healing to serve the community by promoting wholeness and physical, emotional, and spiritual health. The ministry does this by serving the role of health educator, health counselor, health facilitator, coordinator and trainer of volunteers as well as a referral source. Members of the Parish Health & Wellness Ministry respond to their baptismal call as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Events include: monthly blood pressure screenings with awareness themes and educational literature, Blood Drive, Grief Support Group and Flu Clinic. If interested, contact Parish Nurse, Susan Scully at 856-848-0274 or [email protected] |
Life & Social Justice |
The Social Justice Committee is called to serve as a resource and catalyst to empower our parish community to work for peace and justice. Our activities are based on the biblical and theological foundations of Catholic social teaching. They stimulate parish awareness of Catholic Social Teaching and promotes action in defense of human life and dignity.
If interested contact, Jerry Washko at 856-845-6944 or or Anne Connor at 856-845-4182 or [email protected] |
Ministry to the Sick |
Ministry to the sick and homebound is one of greatest importance here at Holy Angels Parish. It is a ministry based on the peace of Christ in all its dimensions. Every week and Sunday's, a team of ministers brings Eucharist to those who are unable to come to Church. They go to individual homes and to area nursing homes and hospital. If interested, contact David Misilewich @856-251-9086 or [email protected]
St. Vincent de Paul |
Mission Statement Inspired by the Gospel Values, the Society of St. Vincent dePaul leads women and men to work together and grow spiritually by offering tangible and Spiritual support through prayer and person-to-person contacts to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron St. Vincent dePaul.
What is the St. Vincent de Paul Society? The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international organization of Catholic lay men and women. It was founded in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam in Paris, France. The Society’s structure was shaped by its founder, (Frederic Ozanam) and guided by the patronage of St Vincent de Paul. (Father of the Poor & Apostle of Charity). In addition to helping needy families on a case by case basis, St. Vincent de Paul, coordinates Thanksgiving Baskets and the Gift Tag Project at Christmas(see above). St. Vincent de Paul Society meets every second Tuesday of the month except for July and August. For questions or more information contact, John McIntyre at 856-848-7744. |
Parish Office
81 Cooper Street Woodbury, NJ Phone 856-845-0123 Office Hours: 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday Summer Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Email: [email protected] Click Here For Directions and Maps |